Man with children playing together

Reflective Network Therapy (RNT) in private and public preschools

A powerful, evidence-based, cost effective way to treat preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders, social communication disorders, serious emotional disorders, ADHD, behavioral problems and other psychiatric disorders. RNT is clinically versatile. The method is readily individualized. It works with children who have co-occurring disorders as well as with children unreachable by other psychotherapies.

Meeting the needs of special education preschoolers

Reflective Network Therapy’s clinical results have been well demonstrated by scientific studies.
Whether autistic or in any other diagnostic category, 95% of IQ testable children in all eight of our data sources routinely achieved sustained IQ rises and mental health improvements within 8 months of RNT in-classroom therapy.  See Research and Results: Reduction of symptoms, improved communication skills, greater impulse control, sociability and reductions of resistance to learning are just a few of the benefits of this method. Read more about RNT Benefits for special needs children and their families.

Reflective Network Therapy is an inclusive, in-classroom treatment for individual children carried out exclusively within the classroom.  RNT is structured to harness the power of the small social network within that real life space. The network includes the teachers, the therapist, parents, the child and her or his peers in the classroom. Teacher-therapist teams trained in Reflective Network Therapy have short structured times to talk together, modeling mentalizing as they share on-the-spot observations with the child patient. Each professional furthers the work of the other’s domain. Parents get significant support and are involved as agents of change.
Learn more about how the method works: Our Method

RNT costs about one sixth of the most commonly used method.
The method is carried out by existing teaching staff and one therapist. Short sessions of intensive psychotherapy right in the classroom make it possible for each child patient to get therapy multiple times per week. The high frequency of individual therapy is a significant factor in results achieved in far less time than with other methods. There is no need for pull-out therapy. One-on-one behavioral aides are usually no longer needed in the classroom after about one week of RNT treatment. See Method Comparisons

Training existing teaching staff and an in-classroom therapist
We train your existing teaching staff in RNT. You will need to hire a therapist if your school does not already have one on site.  We can help you recruit and train such a therapist.   Your costs for special education services can drop significantly. Learn more: Training for Teachers and Mental Health Professionals.

Feasibility: Reflective Network Therapy has been successfully used in many settings, including: in a full time dedicated RNT preschool; in inclusive part-day and full-day preschool or daycare settings; as a separate classroom service in a public school special education setting; as an enrichment to special education or therapeutic preschool classrooms; in mental health centers, in shelter classrooms for homeless and recently homeless preschoolers, in Head Start and typical preschools.

Find out what professionals and parents say about Reflective Network Therapy.

Contact us for training in a method with a strong evidence base, better outcomes and more cost benefits which probably exceed any method you may be using now.